Guilty as charged!!
Been procrastinating until its almost becoming a habit!
Heh! I'm getting used to work with Xuefen..
She's the reason why things don't get too boring around there..
We play bingo while photocopying..connect four while cutting and stapling and have our radio on all the time..and talk a lot. haha. actually, a lot of the conversation revolves around what we're eating for lunch today tomorrow and next week.
We compiled a list on the things we like best about work..:
1. FANG4 GONG1~~ (when work ends..)
2. Pay Day ($$$$$$)
3. On-Leave Days (woohoo)
4. Lunch! =D
5. Photocopying (totally brainless..leaves loads of time for play!)
Are we lazy or what??
And She really spoils me!!! reminds me of good food all the time, and shops on impulse like me!! please let me have the discipline to save some of the job's pay for my perm before school reopen! i miss my curls badly..
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