Thursday, June 21, 2007

How To Avoid Military Service

I wanted to share this article Marco showed me the other day which I thought was pretty funny. Enjoy this piece of "logic" and reasoning =D A confusing piece of family relations...I think i was stuck right at the beginning!!!.I'm such a "goondu" at this kinda stuff. haha.

Presenting, a translation of a letter sent by a young Croatian man to the Croatian Minister of Defence to avoid military service ...


Dear Minister

Please allow me to explain my situation in hope that you'll be able to resolve my case.
I'm expecting to get the call to service in the Croation Army.

I am 23 and i married a 47 year old widow who has a 26 year daughter. her daughter subsequently married my father. By marrying my wife's daughter, my father became my son-in-law. In the same time, my wife is a mother-in-law of my father and her daughter is now also my step-mother.

In September, my wife and i had a son. Clearly, this child is a brother of my father's wife and thus a brother-in-law of my father. In the same time, my son is also my uncle because he is a brother of my step-mother.

In October, my father's wife had a son as well. This child is also my brother because he is a son of my father. But i am the step-father of my wife's daughter and also a brother of her son whose father is also my father. Thus my father's son is also my step-grand son because he is a son of my wife's daughter. Consequently, I am a brother of my own step-grand son, so I am also my own step-father. however, according to the law, not more than two consequtive generations of fathers and sons can be called for military duty simultaneously, so i should be relieved from military duty.


The reply read:

The applicant is permanently relieved from military duty due to possible mental problems and mental instability caused by the chaotic situation within his family.

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