Thursday, June 18, 2009


I haven't updated this space for ages.
Which doesn't come as a surprise really, if anyone has seen me gone through the past semester in school.
It's been a torture. It drained all my energy, my enthusiasm in life, brought out the skeptic in me and things that I really didn't see in myself for a long time.
The last time I got so frustrated with my studies was probably my struggle with math in JC (trigonometric tsskkk -_-). This semester, those killer modules really made me want to quit on several occasions, and stop trying.  I wouldn't describe myself as a quitter, but I was on the edge of being one.
GAH! I'm just glad the semester's over.
And I'm exceptionally proud of myself for working so darn hard.

Additionally, I've never enjoyed my holidays more!
It's been amazing to say the least
Mopping around the house, waking late, hanging out with friends, reading...
I'm really glad I finally got time to pick up the paint brush too:)

I made a conscious decision not to rush into a holiday job or internship the moment the semester ended. It wasn't an easy decision really and I deliberated upon the issue for quite some time. Simply because there seems to be a fine line between getting a well-deserved break and an excuse for slacking. 
But now I'm pretty thankful for the break :) And I'm ready to take on next semester. 
Killer modules, you all better watch out!!! 

1-month internship in July coming up!

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