Friday, October 12, 2007

Kellogg's Cornflakes

You guys know Kellogg's cornflakes? Like this one below?

It was created for the weirdest reason!!
Just Thursday, we were learning about sexual disorders during Abnormal Psychology tutorial today ...(i think more pple turned up cos the topic was interesting. lol) And everyone was like thinking what the hell was this picture of a big bowl of cereal printed in our lecture notes..
Apparently, people during that time thought that the cause for mental disorders was excessive sex. So they tried to prevent people from having sex overdose by controlling their diet, making it as bland and uninteresting as possible... so TADAH...kellogg's cornflakes the savior!
It has now evolved into many yummy flavours (like yummy frootloops and yummy honeystars).. but who would have thought it was created for that!! =)

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