Friday, June 18, 2010


On hindsight, the arduous journey to complete my Honours Thesis taught me more that I could have expected. Months later, I'm still surprised at what I took away from the experience.

Would I go through that again? Hell no.
(Okay, maybe yes. But certainly not with the naive ambition of trying to challenge current understandings and push knowledge frontiers this time round)

But since there's no point harping over spilt milk, and since I miraculously passed (yippee doodle yipee yay!), I guess I should be thankful.

Maybe the whole experience drained the life out of me so much then, that it made me double cherish the freedom and time I have on my hands now. Surprisingly, I'm feeling no sense of emptiness watching time pass me by. I'm quietly enjoying the newfound slow pace of life. I once am convinced that I had to be doing sometime all the time. I'll be so afraid of boredom, to see a blank schedule on my organiser, I fill all my free time with gatherings, dinners, activities - my way of living life to its fullest. But maybe life doesn't have to be like that.... (Well, at least for one more month. I'll go look for a job after :P)

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